Smartia Seguros

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Smartia Seguros Online is an informative website/blog where you can find information about car insurance, life insurance, home insurance, consortium, health plan, among others.

In this project, I developed the entire new layout of the website, making it more modern and dynamic. Depending on the size of the content, it automatically adds banners, thus avoiding cluttering the layout with multiple banners.

It was a project with a lot of development, as is a website that covers different topics.


In the WordPress admin panel, you can add links to the main header, blog header and footer menus, mark posts to be highlighted by the author and add subtitles to the post. Compared to the previous layout, none of this would be possible.


All images used in creating the new layout were also optimized, using only WebP images.

Before and After

Conclusion of Smartia Seguros Online

It was necessary, together with the SEO time, to define the best path so that the project structure did not affect the ranking on Google and ensure that Smartia Seguros Online continued to grow.

Smartia and, which also talk about insurance, are part of the same group.